Blog Assignments and Rubric

weekly blog assignments

Blog 1 due January 20th
According to Galatians, why did Paul confront Peter? What do you think Christians and/or churches can learn from this event?

Blog 2 due January 26th 
What does Paul say about the “second coming” in 1&2 Thessalonians? What application, if any, do you think this has to the life of the believer today?

Blog 3 due February 2nd
What are some insights you gained from 1 Corinthians concerning sex, marriage and being single? Does this have any application in America’s cultural constructions of “dating,” “engagement,” or other relationship statuses? 

Blog 4 due February 9th 
1 & 2 Corinthians deals with themes on both death and resurrection. What are some important insights you gained about death? About the resurrection? Compare Paul’s views on death with other belief systems such as atheistic naturalism, reincarnation in Hinduism, etc., and discuss how these views differ on the question of death on an emotional level.  

Blog 5 due February 17th
First, briefly summarize Paul’s expression of the gospel message as presented in Romans. Second, answer the following questions based on your summary: What do you think would be hardest to explain to a non-believer? What do you think would make the most sense to a non-believer? 

Blog 6 due February 23rd 
What do you think is/are the most applicable exhortation(s) of Romans 12:1 – 15:7 for your school, your class, or your church? Explain.

Blog 7 due March 2nd
The question of predestination (whether God has planned out our future or whether we have free will) is notoriously controversial in Protestantism. The opening of Ephesians requires one to wrestle with this very question. Where do you land in the debate and how do you interpret Ephesians 1:3-14 in light of your position? 

Blog 8 due March 23rd
In your opinion, and in light of your reading, how structured should a church be? Who should have authority in that structure? Can a woman be a pastor or be part of that authoritative structure? Compare your insights and thoughts to how your current church is organized. 

Blog 9 due April 6th
Wealth and poverty is a recurring theme in the book of James—what do you think are the most important insights a Christian can gain on this topic after reading James.

Blog 10 due April 20th
Suppose you visited a church that taught something you had never heard before, or had previously been taught was wrong—how would you respond? What do you think are the “essential” parts of the Christian message and where is there room for disagreement?

Blog 11 due April 27th 
Suppose a friend of yours has never heard of Jesus—explain your beliefs about who Jesus is. Anticipate questions from your friend like: Is Jesus a man or a god? Is he like a spirit or an angel? Who is more powerful—Jesus or his Father?   

Blog 12 due May 4th 
“Love” has almost become an empty word—“I love BBQ and my wife,” “She loves Justin Bieber,” “He secretly loves Justin Bieber”—but John’s letters discuss love frequently and gives more depth to the word. What are some insights you gained on the topic of love after reading the Johannine epistles?

Blog 13 due May 11th 
What do you think is the best way to interpret Revelation? What impact does this position have on the life of the believer?

weekly blog rubric 

Length of the Post                          5              4              3              2              1
Post should be between 200 and 400 words (199-150 and 401-450 = 4; 149-100 and 451-500 = 3; etc.). Content must also be relevant to the assigned topic—any text that does not seek to answer the question will not count toward length. Quotations will not count toward length. 

Application of Scripture                 5              4              3              2              1
Post should show adequate thought and meditation on the relevant scriptures and should be applied to contemporary life with love and respect. Using insights from scripture, an application should encourage readers to do one of the following: see the world/their faith/God in a particular way; take or omit a specific action; organize their life or community around an idea or value; address relevant questions or struggles that are widely shared. 

Interpretation of Scripture              5              4              3              2              1
Post should consider two or more of the following: the context of verses within the passage; the context of the passage with the letter/book; context of the passage within the New Testament; the context of the letter/book in its historical setting; the original meaning of key words or phrases. 

Appearance of the Post                    5              4              3              2              1
Post is easy to read, free from significant errors, and visually pleasant. Students are encouraged to fully utilize the medium (e.g., include video clips, songs or pictures that are appropriate, relevant and enhance the message).                     

Total Points: _____/20